An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure!

Striking Evidence In Study On Effects of Green Coffee Beans 
For Stimulating Weight Loss

Green (unroasted) coffee beans can stimulate a significant decrease in body weight within a relatively short time, due to the unique substance known as Chlorogenic acid. In a study presented at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society, research scientists described how a group of overweight people who consumed ground green coffee beans each day lost nearly 10 percent of their body weight.

Based on the study’s results, taking green coffee extract a day along with following a low-fat, healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity or exercise appears to be a safe, effective, inexpensive way to lose weight researchers explained at the ACS exposition.

The study involved 16 overweight (or obese) people (age 22 – 26 years) who took the Green Coffee Bean extract or placebo capsules containing an inactive powder, for a total of 22 weeks.

The subjects alternated between a low dose and a higher dose of the extract. The low dose consisted of 700 mg of the coffee extract, and the high dose was 1,050 mg.
People cycled through the two doses and the placebo, each for six weeks. Each person serves as his or her own “control” improving the chances of getting an accurate result.

All of the participants were monitored for their overall diet (calories, food varieties eaten, etc.) and their physical exercise over the study period. “Their calories, carbohydrates, fats and protein intake were not altered during the study, nor did their exercise regimen change,” the researchers confirmed.

The participants lost an average of 17 pounds during the 22 weeks of the study. It included an average of a 10.5 percent decrease in overall body weight and a 16 percent decrease in body fat. The researchers explained that the weight loss results might have been faster, because the participants received the placebo and the lower dose of green coffee extract for part of the study period.

Previous studies have shown weight loss with green coffee too. But this study used higher amounts of green coffee bean extract and the first to measure the response to various doses.

Green coffee beans’ beneficial weight loss effects are most likely due to the unique substance known as Chlorogenic acid, naturally present in unroasted coffee beans.

It’s important to note that Chlorogenic acid breaks down when coffee beans are roasted ( approx 480 degrees Fahrenheit). It is the roasting process that gives coffee beans their distinctive color, aroma and flavor. By comparison, green coffee beans have almost no aroma and a bitter taste.

Story Source:  American Chemical Society (ACS) (2012).

This article is for informational and educational purposes only;  It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Consult your doctor or healthcare professional.



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